The unique PureSafe First Response Water System purifies water on-site to provide more clean drinking water faster and cheaper than traditional bottled water solutions. The system is freestanding and mobile, and can be rapidly deployed anywhere in the world at anytime without typical logistical support issues
Benefits of PSWS
Produces up to 30,000 gallons of EPA-quality drinking water every day.
Ready to deploy immediately.
Mobile - airlift capability.
Can be operational within 30 minutes.
Reduces potential for civil disorder
WQA Standard 61 certifications.
Safeguards to prevent delivery of poor water.
Preparadness Service Program.
Lower cost than bottled water.
El sistema de Primera Respuesta a Emergencia PureSafe purifica agua en el sitio para suministrar mas agua potable limpia demanera mas economica y rapida que soluciones tradicionales como agua embotellada. El sistema es auto contenido, movil y puede ser rapidamente desplazado a cualquier lugar del mundo sin problemas de logistica tipicos.
Beneficios del sistema PSWS
Produce hasta 30,000 galones de agua potable de calidad EPA diariamente.
Listo para despacho inmediato.
Movil, capacidad de ser aero-transportado.
Puede estar en operacion en 30 minutos.
Reduce potencial de desordenes civiles.
61 Certificaciones de la WQA
Previsiones para prevenir dispensamiento de agua mala.